Having been an official blogger for the past few months, I can honestly say that I have enjoyed it. Well… maybe I should say I have enjoyed it more than I would have writing weekly papers. Writing a quick blog post is just less of a hassle than printing out a typical assignment. Having never blogged before I was a bit unsure how this was going to work. Surprisingly, Blogger.com has been very user friendly and easy to navigate. While I am unsure if I will continue to blog after this class is over, I am glad I have a better understanding of web writing.
Blogging for a class struck me as a strange idea at first. Having my classmates read my mediocre work didn’t bother me-- it was just unexpected I guess. The ability to read other blogs turned out to be very helpful. Reading my classmates blogs gave me ideas for my own as well as an occasional chuckle. It was also neat to read everyone’s thoughts on a certain topic. While some blogs were more fun to read than others, I was a little disappointed when we stopped having to comment on one another’s blogs. The comments gave us an incentive to read and really engage in a blogging community.
The blog assignments were always on topics that were easy and at least slightly enjoyable to write about. After a couple of weeks I began to feel more at ease writing my blog and my entries improved. My most recent blog entry was the most enjoyable to write and probably my best. This is most likely due to the fact that I really wanted to see if I could fool anyone into believing my lie. It was also fun to guess the lies in other people posts.
Making my writing sound natural, like speech rather that words on paper, is my biggest weakness. Blogging, and this class in general, has helped me become more comfortable in my writing. I am able to write more like I talk than I used to. This class has also increased the speed at which I write. Writing a lot—well all for me anyway—is giving me the chance to practice writing. And lets face it I am a huge procrastinator. Having to quickly write and proofread a blog 20 minutes to midnight on multiple occasions has defiantly made me a faster writer.
All in all, I am glad we blogged for this class. Some people seemed to “hate on” blogging but I found it to be a creative alterative to the ordinary English class. If my opinion counts for anything you should
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